Spanish I Lesson ch 4

Español I                  Chapmanville Regional High                     Sra. Vititoe
Ashlee Vititoe’s Spn I Lesson Plans
 Lesson plans for Ch 4 ¿Qué comememos y dónde?

Modifications:  extra time on assessments, study guides given as handout for each unit’s vocabulary and Grammar, other various handouts given if lost, and suggested study techniques for each unit given, extra practice as online practice activities for at home practice. Preferred seating, repeat as needed the directions, and email parents once a week of his missing work. If needed, bathroom break given.

I Can Statements for this unit:

I Can Statements for this unit:
Read the Objetivos: Student can identify foods and discuss meals, talk about places where one may eat, Order food or a beverage at a café, and compare eating customs in other various spanish speaking countries.

 Chapter 4 La comida       Spn1    CRHS       2018        Vititoe

Present                       March 12--April 12, 2018
Pages 124–125
Begin the lesson by asking students to look at the opening photograph on pages 124–125. Ask them: ¿Qué ven? Have students tell you what they see.
Read the Cultural Snapshot on page 125 and explain the relationship between the photograph and the term tapas. Use the Aquí y Allí question to generate a small discussion. Ask students to create a chart in their notebooks to which they can add information as the lesson develops.
La comida que comen las familias latinas
La comida que come mi familia

At the end of the chapter, I will be able to:
o   identify foods and discuss meals
o   talk about places where you eat
o   order food or a beverage at a café
o   compare eating habits in Spain, Latin America, and the United States
I will be able to use:
o   present tense of regular -er and -ir verbs
o   expressions with the infinitive—ir a, tener que, acabar de

Pages 126–127
Introduce the theme of the chapter by having students look at the photographs on pages 126–127. Have them look at the foods and decide what they would like to try. Have students read the Introducción al tema section and discuss unknown words, cognates, etc. As you work through theCultural Snapshot on pages 126–127, have students divide a sheet of paper in 6 categories and, in each section, have them write at the top the name of a country (Perú, Guatemala, Argentina, España, México y Puerto Rico). Then as you read all of the facts and new vocabulary related to each country, have the students classify the information by country on their papers. 
For later:
Once you have completed both vocabulary presentations, students can return to these pages and again read the information that accompanieseach photograph. You may wish to ask the questions in the Cultural Snapshot on pages 126–127 of the Teacher Edition after students are fullyacquainted with the vocabulary of the chapter.
Recursos adicionales:
In addition, there are some extra practice activities and projects for this chapter in the Prepárate para el examen digital lesson plan under Enriquecimiento. You may choose to assign some of these activities at the beginning, in the middle, or at the end of the chapter. 
PRE_AP: If you would like to challenge your students and begin preparing them for the AP Spanish class, you may choose to have students practice the chapter's vocabulary and grammar concepts by using the Pre-AP Activities for Chapter 4. They include all of the material covered in this chapter and mimic the format of some sections of the AP Test.
 You may choose to have students connect with other Spanish-speaking students worldwide using ePals. ePals provides a safe, authentic and dynamic exchange with other classrooms around the globe. 
 You may choose to have students read about cultural topics and current events in the Spanish-speaking world using eScape. eScape connects students with fascinating articles, beautiful color photos and slideshows, and enrichment activities related to the readings on the Web site. 

Vocabulario 1
Teach and Practice
Pages 128–129
To begin the lesson, you might choose to do Quick Start activity QS 4.1 to review -ar verb conjugations and get students on task right as they walk into the classroom.
To begin with the presentation of vocabulary, use Vocabulary image projectables V4.2–V4.3. Have students close their books. Ask students ¿Qué comidas que conocen ven en la foto? to tell you in Spanish any words they already know. Afterwards, point to each new vocabulary word and have students repeat each word several times.
Have students write the vocabulary in their notes. You may choose to have them use their book or you can project the Vocabulary list projectable V4.1. Model the pronunciation various times and after repeating the words come back and ask questions such as ¿Qué es? or ¿Es un flan o una ensalada?
Write the official names for the meals on the board: el desayuno, el almuerzo, la cena. Explain that la comida is the general term for meal or food, but it is often associated with the main meal of the day. In some countries la comida is the midday meal or el almuerzo, and in others it is the evening meal or la cena. Also, you may want to tell students that ayunar means to fast, which explains the connection between breakfastand desayuno. (You break your daily fast when you wake up from sleeping.) 
As you progress in the lesson, ask questions building from simple to more complex. For example:
  • ¿Es el helado un postre?
  • ¿Qué es el helado?
  • ¿Es la leche una bebida o una comida?
  • ¿Qué es la leche?
  • ¿Las tostadas se comen para el almuerzo o para el desayuno?
Read En otras partes aloud to the class. The words for foods vary greatly from region to region. For example, different words for green beans are:las judías verdes, los porotos, las alubias, las chauchas, and las caraotas. Write some of the vocabulary and its different meanings on the board and use Map projectable M1 to show them in what countries/regions these are used. You can also have students classify the words in their notes in the table that they created in the Introducción al tema section. They can add more countries on the other side of the paper and continue classifying words as the chapter progresses.

Fun activity:
Create two or more different menus. If you have a bin of plastic "play food" you can use this or print out pictures of all the foods that you are using in your menu. Call on two volunteers or more depending on how many menus you create. Have the plastic food or the printouts in a basket with other foods that are not on the menu. Time the activity, having students sort through all the food to find the food mentioned on the menu and classify it under the categories el desayuno, el almuerzo, or la cena. Whoever can complete the activity first wins. 
For homework, you may wish to have students create flashcards for the new vocabulary words in this section and come up with five original sentences using the vocabulary.

Pages 130–131
Leveling EACH Activity
Begin practicing with the easy activities and transition to the challenging activities. Students may find it more helpful if you go over the answers to the activities as a class. 
Have students complete Activity 1 on page 130. This activity must be done orally. You can choose to use the audio recordings, or simply read the four sentences found in the audio script on page 130 of the print or digital Teacher Edition.    
Have students complete Activity 2 on page 130 orally. Reinforce it by calling on individuals to read aloud as they follow along. It is suggested that you go over all the activities in class before assigning them for homework.
Have students complete Activity 3 on page 130 in pairs. Have them answer the questions with complete responses and write their answers. To expand this activity, have the students ask one additional question related to the photo.
Have students complete Activity 4 on page 131 and create the chart. You may choose to write in the answers on the chart using a Graphic organizer projectable 4.1, or the students can come up to the board and write their answers directly there.
Have students complete Activity 6 on page 131. 
Have students complete Activity 5 on page 131 and write out their answers. If you would like to expand this activity, have the students create a PowerPoint® or a poster of their favorite foods and meals with the items labeled in Spanish to present to the class. 

Read the En otras partes section. Then have the students create an En otras partes section in their notebooks and write the new vocabulary. 

La salud - You may just want to have students read the Conexiones information on their own. The Vitamina chart reintroduces vocabulary from the lesson, and the paragraph on Salud has many cognates: importante, contienen, vitaminas, tabla, analiza, dieta, suficientes, necesarias.
Más práctica 
    For homework, have students complete Workbook pages 4.3–4.5. They can also complete the Audio activities in their workbook on page 4.21 and study all the material from Vocabulario 1. For additional practice, students can use the Audio download, Interactive flashcards, and a Vocabulary eGame. You may choose to have students use these resources on their own or you could use them in class. For example, the day before the Vocabulario 1 quiz, you could do the review game in class as a part of your lesson. Alternatively, you may wish to assign it for homework in addition to having students study the vocabulary list and flashcards. 
 Use the Interactive Whiteboard presentations for this vocabulary section as an alternative to present and practice the material in theVocabulario 1 section.

Vocabulario 2:
Teach and Practice
Pages 132–133
To begin the lesson, you might choose to do Quick Start activity QS 4.2 to review some basic vocabulary and how to answer questions. This will get your students on task right as they walk into the classroom.
Present the vocabulary using Vocabulary image projectables V4.4–V4.5. Have students close their books. Ask students to tell you in Spanish any words they already know. ¿Qué comidas que conocen ven en la foto? Afterwards, point to each new vocabulary word have students repeat each word several times. Have students write the vocabulary in their notes using their books or the Vocabulary list projectable V4.1. Model the pronunciation various times and after repeating the words come back and ask questions such as ¿Qué es? or ¿Son unos tostones o unas empanadas?
As you progress in the lesson, ask questions building from simple to more complex. For example: 
  • ¿Van al café los amigos?
  • ¿Quiénes van al café? 
  • ¿Adónde van los amigos?
  • ¿Con quién va al café Marisol?
After presenting the vocabulary, have students read the new material and choose volunteers to read and act out the dialogue on page 133.

You may also want to teach sin gas, agua mineral sin gas and agua del grifo for tap water.
Read the En otras partes section. Then have students create an En otras partes section in their notebooks and write the new vocabulary. 
For homework, you may wish to have students create flashcards for the new vocabulary section and come up with five original sentences using the vocabulary.

Pages 134–135
Leveling EACH Activity
Begin practicing with the easy activities and transition to the challenging activities. Students may find it more helpful if you go over the answers to the activities as a class. 
Have students complete Activity 1 on page 134. You may choose to write in the answers on the chart using a Graphic Organizer Image projectable 4.2, or students can come up to the board and write their answers directly there.
Have students complete Activity 2 on page 134 in pairs. 
Have students complete Activity 3 on page 134. To expand this activity, for each of the answers in Activity 3, have students give another item that does not fit in the general category. For example, for item 1, add: El taco no es un refresco. Es una comida.

Have students complete Activity 4 on page 135. Have students respond to the questions and then write their own creative stories. You can have the students turn them in, or have students read them out loud to the class. You may also read and explain to the students the Cultural Snapshot that discusses the origin of the name of the port of Colonia, Montevideo. 
Have students complete Activity 5 on page 135.

Have students complete Activity 6 on page 135 orally. They must use only Spanish. Time the activity so that it lasts only a few minutes. This will enable students to use the language creatively on their own. Monitor their conversations and tell students that you will act as the policía del inglés.
Más práctica
   For homework, have students complete Workbook pages 4.6–4.7. They can also complete the audio activities in their workbook on page 4.22. Have them study all the material from Vocabulario 2. For additional practice, students can use the Audio download, Interactive flashcards, Vocabulary eGame and Vocabulary review worksheet for Vocabulario 1 y 2.
You may choose to have students use these resources on their own or you could use them together during class. For example, the day before the Vocabulario 2 quiz, you could do the review eGame in class as a part of your lesson. Alternatively, you may wish to assign it for homework in addition to having students study the vocabulary list and flashcards.
 Use the Interactive Whiteboard presentations for this vocabulary section as an alternative to present and practice the material in theVocabulario 2 section.
 At the end of the vocabulary presentation, but before you have students take the Quiz for Vocabulario 2, you may choose to show theVocabulario en vivo and the Diálogo en vivo videos. At the same time have students complete the Capítulo 4 Vocabulario en vivoand Diálogo en vivo editable worksheets. These customizable worksheets have before-viewing, during-viewing, and after-viewing activities to support students' comprehension of the videos.
In the episode of the Vocabulario en vivo video, students will go with Nora to a typical café in Buenos Aires, where she enjoys a delicious lunch. In the episode of the Diálogo en vivo video, students will join Alejandra and Julián for luch. Have students pay particular attention to the intonation used at the end of each sentence. Ask them how many questions and exclamations they can identify. 

Gramática: Presente de los verbos -er, -ir
Teach and Practice
Pages 136–137
To begin the lesson, you may wish to do Quick Start activity QS 4.3 to review some basic vocabulary, -ar verb conjugations and how to answer questions. This will get your students on task right as they walk into the classroom.
Select an -ar verb such as trabajar and have students conjugate all forms on the board. Then write down the verbs comprender and escribir. Ask students to tell you what they see. Ask them if they think that they can use the same -ar verb endings of trabajar for comprender and escribir.Have students go back to page 129. Ask students to see if they can identify some new verb endings listed in the ¿Dónde comemos? section. With the students' help, construct a chart on the board showing -er and -ir verb conjugations. Ask students, ¿Qué similaridades y diferencias hay entre los verbos -ar, -ir y -er? Underline each ending as you pronounce the verb forms, and have students repeat. Show the differences and emphasize the nosotros forms by giving pairs, for example:
leemos – escribimos
comprendemos – vivimos
comemos – recibimos
Leveling EACH Activity
Begin practicing with the easy activities and transition to the challenging activities. Students may find it more helpful if you go over the answers to the activities as a class. 
Easy (Activity 2)
Activity 2 - Have students complete this activity by writing down their answers and then sharing them out loud with the class. 
The verb asistir is a false cognate. It means to attend, not to assist. You may want to ask questions to reinforce asistir¿A qué escuela asistes?
Average (Activities 1, 3, 4)
Activity 1 - This activity must be done orally. Use the audio recordings or simply read the five sentences from the Audio Script in the print and digital Teacher Editions. You may choose to show the Graphic organizer projectable 4.3 so students can come up to the board and write their answers directly onto it.
Activity 4 - Have students complete this activity to practice speaking, verb conjugations, and exchanging information with others.

Heritage Speakers
If you have heritage speakers in your class, you may wish to use the Heritage Speaker Worksheets for additional grammar practice.

Fun Activity: 

Create a blank Bingo Card -B (yo form), -I ( form), -N (él/ella/usted form), -G (nosotros form), -O (ellos/ellas/ustedes form). Below the card select a variety or regular -ar-er and -ir verbs. Under the letter B, select and number the verbs 1–15. Under the letter I, do the same but use 16-30. Under the letter N, use numbers 31-45. Under the letter G, use numbers 46-60 and finally under the letter O, use numbers 61-75. Once you have distributed the cards, have students pick whichever verbs they want from each category and conjugate them in the card squares. Then begin calling the numbers in Spanish. For example: B4, N33, O61, etc. Once a student shouts out "BINGO!", check their numbers and conjugations.  
  For homework, you may wish to have students create 2 flashcards for the -er and -ir endings and come up with 5 new original sentences using a combination of -ar, -er and -ir verbs. Students can also complete workbook pages 4.8 and 4.9. 
Pages 138–139
Leveling EACH Activity
Average (Activities 5,6)
Activities 5, 6 - Have students complete these activities orally and in pairs by taking turns asking and answering the questions.
CHallenging (Activities 7, 8, 9)
Activity 7 - Have students complete this activity orally and in pairs. Afterwards, have students write out their answers in paragraph form.

Before doing Activity 7, remind students that to use the correct nosotros form, they must remember which verbs are -er verbs and which verbs are-ir verbs.

Activity 9 - Instead of responding to an e-mail from a key pal, divide the class into two groups. Have one group write the first letter for homework one day, then collect the letters and pass them to the other group. Have the second group respond to the first group. Then have students read their e-mails to the class. 

Have students who have been to a Mexican restaurant share their experiences. If there is a Mexican restaurant in your area, organize a field trip and have students practice ordering beforehand. Restaurants are a great place for students to practice their Spanish. Have students of Mexican background talk about their favorite Mexican foods.
If you cannot organize a trip, make the visit to the restaurant a cultural exploration project. Students can attend with their families or with a group of classmates and they must vow to only order in Spanish. In order to receive credit and as proof of their visit, have students record themselves or take pictures. They must also bring a signed receipt from their waiter acknowledging that they did indeed order their food in Spanish. If students decide to record themselves, you may wish to show the videos in class.

Más práctica
    For additional practice, have students complete workbook pages 4.8–4.9 and Audio activities A–E in the workbook on pages 4.23–4.24. There are also Present tense Verb eflashcards to help students practice the conjugations. You can also have students complete the grammareGame for -er and-ir verbs on their own or during class.
 Use the Interactive Whiteboard presentations as an alternative to present and practice the material in this Gramática section.
 You may choose to use the Gramática en vivo video to solidify and exemplify this concept.

Gramática: Expresiones con el infinitive
Teach and Practice
Pages 140–141
To begin the lesson, you may wish to do Quick Start activity QS 4.4 to review the verbs tener and ir. This will get your students on task right as they walk into the classroom.
As you are teaching the Expressiones con el infinitivo, be sure to add to the list mentioned on page 140: hay que, después de and antes de.
Discuss and use the Cultural Snapshot to talk about words like peperoni that are borrowed from other languages—rodeo, Los Ángeles, un sándwich, etc.

Pages 140–142
Leveling EACH Activity
Begin practicing with the easy activities and transition to the challenging activities. Students may find it more helpful if you go over the answers to the activities as a class. 
Easy (Activities 10, 11)
Activity 11 - Have students complete this activity orally.
Average (Activities 12, 14)
CHallenging (Activities 13, 15, 16, 17)
Read and discuss the Cultural Snapshot on page 141 as a class. Try showing the class one of the many famous Inca Kola commercials on the Internet. As students are viewing a commercial, ask the following questions: ¿Cuál es una bebida popular en tu país? ¿Qué sabor tiene?

Slower Paced Learners
Explain that when two verbs are used together, the first verb changes according to the subject. The second verb always uses the infinitive form. Write additional examples on the board and have students repeat them after you.
For example:
-Yo quiero ir al parque.
-Mi madre necesita preparar la comida.

Heritage Speakers
If you have heritage speakers in your class, you may wish to use the Heritage Speaker Worksheets for additional grammar practice.

Más práctica
  For homework, have students complete workbook page 4.10 and Audio activities F–G in the workbook on page 4.24. You can also have students complete the grammar eGame on their own or during class. There is also a Self-check quiz to help students assess their progress. You may want to assign the Self-check quiz the day before the Gramática quiz for additional review.
 Use the Interactive Whiteboard presentations as an alternative to present and practice the material in this Gramática section. 

Go over over the Pronunciación section for La consonante d. Once you have finished explaining the sounds and various positions of this letter, have students take out a sheet of paper and close their books. Use the words in the Pronunciación section as a dictation activity. The students will be able to practice their listening and writing skills.
If you would like to make the dictation more challenging, add the following sentences (which students have not seen):
  • Daniel y Eduardo beben batidos deliciosos.
  • Damos el dinero al empleado en la tienda.
  • Mi padre Pedro y mi madre Adela tienen ojos verdes.
  • El cuarto de dormir está al lado del comedor grande.
Once you have finished with the dictation, you may choose to show the Pronunciación projectable P4 so students can see their mistakes and self-correct. Use the opportunity to gather data and see which sounds your students need more practice with.
 For additional practice, students can access the audio for the Pronunciación section and Audio activity H in the workbook on page 4.24. 
Have students recite the proverb aloud. Then ask them for the literal translation and for the English equivalent. Explain that in Spanish we say four eyes see more than two, but in English we say two heads are better than one. Ask advanced learners to think of some contexts in which you would use such an expression. You can also talk about the differences in other idiomatic expressions related to food and beverages. You may wish to share the Spanish expressions ser del año de la pera or que una persona se vaya a freír churros. 
  • ser del año de la pera (to be old or antique) translates directly to to be of the year of the pear.
  • irse a freír churros (to go away or to get lost) translates directly to to go fry some churros.
Use the Cultura section and have students do a Web search to find out the origin of el mate. Have students choose an American beverage similar to el mate and compare them using a table and graph. 

Teach and Practice
Pages 144–145
To begin the lesson, you may wish to do Quick Start activity QS 4.5 to review nationalities. This will get your students on task right as they walk into the classroom.
Tell students that they are going to hear a conversation between two people, Adela and Diego. Have students follow along as you read the conversation. If you prefer, use the recorded version.
Have students work in pairs to practice the conversation. Then have several pairs role-play the conversation for the class. Next, go over the ¿Comprendes? activities. If students can answer the questions with relative ease, move on. Students should not be expected to memorize the conversation.
Have students complete Activities A–D on page 145 to test their comprehension. For Activity D, you may choose to write in the answers on the diagram using the Graphic organizer projectable 4.5 so students can come up to the board and write their answers directly there.

Read the Conexiones section as a class and ask students ¿Tienes un héroe? ¿Por qué es tu héroe? En tu opinión, ¿quién es un héroe en tu país? ¿Por qué?

Más práctica  
   For additional practice, you may wish to have students complete the Audio activities on page 4.25 of the workbook and the conversation Self-check quiz. 

Lectura Cultural
Teach and Practice 
Pages 146–147
Discuss the Reading Strategy and Antes de leer. Have students look at the images and predict what the reading is about. 
Give students a minute or two to scan the first paragraph of the reading. In English, have them tell in one sentence what it’s about. Do the same with the remaining paragraphs.
Call on individual students to read aloud. Intersperse comprehension questions such as: 
  • ¿Dónde vive José Luis Aparicio?
  • ¿Dónde vive Catalina Ayerbe? 
  • ¿Qué comen José Luis y su familia para el desayuno?
  • ¿Qué comen los Ayerbe? 
These questions have a dual objective. They check comprehension, and they also allow students to use the language so that upon completion of the reading, they can discuss the information on their own. 
Have students complete the ¿Comprendes? activities on the next page and go over the answers. For Activity C, write the answers on the Graphic organizer projectable 4.6 or have students come up to the board and write their answers there.
If you would like for students to practice their summarizing and writing skills, have them summarize the Lectura.   
Churros are fried in olive oil and coated with sugar. Ideally they are served hot. People dunk them in either café con leche or chocolate.
It is very easy and fairly inexpensive to make churros. If your school has a kitchen lab and you like to cook, consider taking students down for a demo on how to make them. Have students research different recipes and look up different images to see how they vary from country to country. Select the best recipe and copy it for the class. Encourage students to try the recipe at home with their families. 

Más práctica 
 For additional practice, have students complete the Lectura cultural Audio activities on page 4.26 in the workbook. They can take theLa comida en otras partes Self-Check Quiz to assess their comprehension. 
  You may choose to show the Cultura en vivo video. At the same time have students complete the Capítulo 4 Cultura en vivo editable worksheet. This customizable worksheet has before-viewing, during-viewing, and after-viewing activities to support comprehension of the video

Lectura: un poco más
Teach and Practice
Pages 148–149
Go over this optional story orally or have students just read it silently. Alternatively, have students read this selection and do the ¿Comprendes?activities on their own outside of class. If you decide to present this reading in more detail, using some of these suggestions:
Discuss the Antes de leer question and give a brief preview of the reading. Have students listen to the reading on the audio recording, or read the selection to students as they follow along.
After every few sentences, ask questions such as: 
  • ¿Van muchos alumnos a un café después de las clases?
  • ¿Qué toman en el café?
  • ¿Cómo es un mesón? 
  • ¿Dónde son populares los tunos?
Have students answer the ¿Comprendes? questions on the next page. You may want to do these orally as a class or assign them as homework.
Spain and Guanajuato, Mexico, are not the only places one will hear and see tunos, but they are probably the most well-known. Ask students to do a little independent research and ask them: ¿Hay una diferencia entre tunos y mariachis?

Más práctica 
 For additional practice, have students complete the Lectura—Un poco más Audio activity on page 4.26 in the workbook and the Una merienda ¿Dónde? Review Worksheet to assess their comprehension.
Prepárate para el examen.
Teach and Practice
Before beginning the Self-check assignment, students should study and use as a reference tool the Repaso del Capítulo 4 (pages 154–155). These pages provide a quick “at a glance” summary of the grammar points and vocabulary that students have learned in this chapter.

Pages 150–151
Self-check for ACHIEVEMENT
This is a pre-test for students to take before you administer the chapter test. Note that each section is cross-referenced so students can easily find the material they feel they need to review. Use Self-Check Worksheet SC4 to have students complete this assessment in class or at home. You can correct the assessment yourself, or you may prefer to project the answers in class using Self-Check Answers SC4A.

Page 152

Encourage students to say as much as possible when they do these open-ended oral activities. Tell them not to be afraid to make mistakes, since the goal of the activities is real-life communication. Students will manipulate all the words and grammar that they have learned up to this point. You may want to let students choose the activities they would like to do. 
Tell students to feel free to elaborate on the basic theme and to be creative. They may use props, pictures, or posters if they wish.

Page 153
Students should use the vocabulary from this chapter, including information from the Lectura cultural, to fill in their Venn diagrams about different food items and customs in each of the three countries. Show the Graphic organizer projectable V4.7 so students can come up to the board and write ideas directly onto it as they begin to organize their writing.

Students’ compositions should be organized according to one of the suggestions in the Writing Strategy. They should use a variety of vocabulary from the chapter to discuss meals at home, at school, and after school.

For additional oral or written practice you may wish to use AP Proficiency Practice projectable 10, which students can either describe orally or in written form. You can modify the activity according to your learners. You can ask very basic questions about the illustration, or you could have them describe what they see. Students could also create a dialogue or a story about the illustration integrating everything learned in this chapter.

Heritage Speakers

If you have heritage speakers in your class, you may wish to use the Heritage Speaker Worksheets for additional writing practice.

Más práctica
   For additional practice, have students complete the Integración and Tarea sections in the workbook (pages 4.11–4.20). They can also take the interactive Repaso del Capítulo Self-check quiz and use the results as a guide to test their readiness for the chapter exam.
Another thorough practice which includes all content from this chapter is the Skills Practice for Chapter 4. You may choose to assign it as homework or complete it in class as an integrated practice for your students.
 To challenge students and begin preparing them for the AP Spanish class, have students practice the chapter's vocabulary and grammar concepts by using the Pre-AP Activities for Chapter 4. They include all of the material covered in this chapter and mimic the format of some sections of the AP Test.


Please understand that these lesson plans are tentative as things occur throughout the week.

Sra. Vititoe

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